Luke Hoban

SE Radio 129: F# with Luke Hoban

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  • Nice content as always (SE Radio is one of the few podcasts that don’t insult the intelligence of the listener!), but I wish the episode would have been longer. I felt like you were just getting started; getting ready to dive into the deeper stuff.

  • The episode was very good, but I felt as well, that the interresting details will come at the end.
    I t would be great to hear about concrete features, what I believe should have been the content of the presentation.
    Keep up the good work:)

  • Hi,

    I really like your statement “SE Radio is one of the few podcasts that don’t insult the intelligence of the listener”. Can I quote you on the website 🙂 ?

    Regarding this episode, Iwas actually surprised myself when I reexamined it recently how short it is. Maybe we can follow up with a more detailed look at F# (or Haskell :-)) later.


  • Absolutely! 🙂

    It would be very nice with a follow-up! Your previous show on Haskell with Simon Peyton-Jones was absolutely fantastic.

    – Einar

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